Const IOCTL_DISK_BASE = $00000007; IOCTL_DISK_GET_DRIVE_GEOMETRY = $00070000; IOCTL_DISK_GET_PARTITION_INFO = $00074004; IOCTL_DISK_SET_PARTITION_INFO = $0007C008; IOCTL_DISK_GET_DRIVE_LAYOUT = $0007400C; IOCTL_DISK_SET_DRIVE_LAYOUT = $0007C010; IOCTL_DISK_VERIFY = $00070014; IOCTL_DISK_FORMAT_TRACKS = $0007C018; IOCTL_DISK_REASSIGN_BLOCKS = $0007C01C; IOCTL_DISK_PERFORMANCE = $00070020; IOCTL_DISK_IS_WRITABLE = $00070024; IOCTL_DISK_LOGGING = $00070028; IOCTL_DISK_FORMAT_TRACKS_EX = $0007C02C; IOCTL_DISK_HISTOGRAM_STRUCTURE = $00070030; IOCTL_DISK_HISTOGRAM_DATA = $00070034; IOCTL_DISK_HISTOGRAM_RESET = $00070038; IOCTL_DISK_REQUEST_STRUCTURE = $0007003C; IOCTL_DISK_REQUEST_DATA = $00070040; IOCTL_DISK_PERFORMANCE_OFF = $00070060; IOCTL_VOLUME_GET_VOLUME_DISK_EXTENTS = $00560000; IOCTL_VOLUME_IS_CLUSTERED = $00560030; type _MEDIA_TYPE=(DDS_4mm = $20,MiniQic, Travan, QIC, MP_8mm, AME_8mm, // Tape - 8mm Exabyte Advanced Metal Evap AIT1_8mm, // Tape - 8mm Sony AIT DLT, // Tape - DLT Compact IIIxt, IV NCTP, // Tape - Philips NCTP IBM_3480, // Tape - IBM 3480 IBM_3490E, // Tape - IBM 3490E IBM_Magstar_3590, // Tape - IBM Magstar 3590 IBM_Magstar_MP, // Tape - IBM Magstar MP STK_DATA_D3, // Tape - STK Data D3 SONY_DTF, // Tape - Sony DTF DV_6mm, // Tape - 6mm Digital Video DMI, // Tape - Exabyte DMI and compatibles SONY_D2, // Tape - Sony D2S and D2L CLEANER_CARTRIDGE, // Cleaner - All Drive types that support Drive Cleaners CD_ROM, // Opt_Disk - CD CD_R, // Opt_Disk - CD-Recordable (Write Once) CD_RW, // Opt_Disk - CD-Rewriteable DVD_ROM, // Opt_Disk - DVD-ROM DVD_R, // Opt_Disk - DVD-Recordable (Write Once) DVD_RW, // Opt_Disk - DVD-Rewriteable MO_3_RW, // Opt_Disk - 3.5" Rewriteable MO Disk MO_5_WO, // Opt_Disk - MO 5.25" Write Once MO_5_RW, // Opt_Disk - MO 5.25" Rewriteable (not LIMDOW) MO_5_LIMDOW, // Opt_Disk - MO 5.25" Rewriteable (LIMDOW) PC_5_WO, // Opt_Disk - Phase Change 5.25" Write Once Optical PC_5_RW, // Opt_Disk - Phase Change 5.25" Rewriteable PD_5_RW, // Opt_Disk - PhaseChange Dual Rewriteable ABL_5_WO, // Opt_Disk - Ablative 5.25" Write Once Optical PINNACLE_APEX_5_RW, // Opt_Disk - Pinnacle Apex 4.6GB Rewriteable Optical SONY_12_WO, // Opt_Disk - Sony 12" Write Once PHILIPS_12_WO, // Opt_Disk - Philips/LMS 12" Write Once HITACHI_12_WO, // Opt_Disk - Hitachi 12" Write Once CYGNET_12_WO, // Opt_Disk - Cygnet/ATG 12" Write Once KODAK_14_WO, // Opt_Disk - Kodak 14" Write Once MO_NFR_525, // Opt_Disk - Near Field Recording (Terastor) NIKON_12_RW, // Opt_Disk - Nikon 12" Rewriteable IOMEGA_ZIP, // Mag_Disk - Iomega Zip IOMEGA_JAZ, // Mag_Disk - Iomega Jaz SYQUEST_EZ135, // Mag_Disk - Syquest EZ135 SYQUEST_EZFLYER, // Mag_Disk - Syquest EzFlyer SYQUEST_SYJET, // Mag_Disk - Syquest SyJet AVATAR_F2, // Mag_Disk - 2.5" Floppy MP2_8mm, // Tape - 8mm Hitachi DST_S, // Ampex DST Small Tapes DST_M, // Ampex DST Medium Tapes DST_L, // Ampex DST Large Tapes VXATape_1, // Ecrix 8mm Tape VXATape_2, // Ecrix 8mm Tape STK_9840, // STK 9840 LTO_Ultrium, // IBM, HP, Seagate LTO Ultrium LTO_Accelis, // IBM, HP, Seagate LTO Accelis DVD_RAM, // Opt_Disk - DVD-RAM AIT_8mm, // AIT2 or higher ADR_1, // OnStream ADR Mediatypes ADR_2 ); MEDIA_TYPE = _MEDIA_TYPE; _DISK_GEOMETRY = Record Cylinders: LARGE_INTEGER; MediaType: MEDIA_TYPE; TracksPerCylinder: DWORD; SectorsPerTrack: DWORD; BytesPerSector: DWORD; end; DISK_GEOMETRY = _DISK_GEOMETRY; PDISK_GEOMETRY = ^_DISK_GEOMETRY; _DISK_EXTENT = Record DiskNumber: DWORD; StartingOffset: LARGE_INTEGER; ExtentLength: LARGE_INTEGER; end; DISK_EXTENT = _DISK_EXTENT; PDISK_EXTENT = ^_DISK_EXTENT; _VOLUME_DISK_EXTENTS = Record NumberOfDiskExtents: DWORD; Extents: DISK_EXTENT; end; VOLUME_DISK_EXTENTS = _VOLUME_DISK_EXTENTS; PVOLUME_DISK_EXTENTS = ^_VOLUME_DISK_EXTENTS; Function fDisk(DiskID: Integer):Boolean; var hDevice: THandle; Tracks,Sectors,Cylinder:DWORD; hdevicename: AnsiString; geometry: DISK_GEOMETRY; labOffset: OVERLAPPED; count: DWORD; dwLen: DWORD; pBuffer: array[0..511] of byte; PhysicalSectors,PhysicalTracks,PhysicalCylinders,PhysicalSectorsTmp: DWORD; CylindersOffet,TracksOffet,SectorOffet:DWORD; CylinderTemp: DWORD; //临时保留了柱面的高2位+扇区号的低6位+柱面的低8位 StartLogicSector: DWORD; SectorsSum: DWORD; i: Integer; str: String; bRet: Boolean; sei: SHELLEXECUTEINFO; szFile: AnsiString; hHnd: THandle; begin Tracks := 1; //起始磁头 Sectors := 1; //起始扇区 Cylinder := 0; //起始柱面 hdevicename := Format('\\.\PHYSICALDRIVE%d',[DiskID]); hDevice := CreateFile(pchar(hdevicename),GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE,FILE_SHARE_READ or FILE_SHARE_WRITE,nil,OPEN_EXISTING,0,0); if hDevice=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then begin Result := False; Exit; end; if (not DeviceIoControl(hDevice,IOCTL_DISK_GET_DRIVE_GEOMETRY,nil,0,@geometry,sizeof(geometry),count,nil)) then begin Result := False; CloseHandle(hDevice); Exit; end; FillChar(pBuffer,sizeof(pBuffer),#0); //读取第一扇区 ZeroMemory(@labOffset,sizeof(labOffset)); labOffset.Offset := 1; ReadFile(hDevice, pBuffer, 512, dwLen, @labOffset); //0~445字节为引导记录,446~509,为分区表信息占64个字节,510~511为结束标志55AA,占两个字节 pBuffer[446] := $00; //活动分区 PhysicalSectorsTmp := (MaxFileSize+511) div geometry.BytesPerSector; //物理区理论占用的扇区数,从下一磁头开始 PhysicalCylinders := PhysicalSectorsTmp div (geometry.SectorsPerTrack * geometry.TracksPerCylinder)+1; //物理占用的柱面数 PhysicalTracks := (PhysicalSectorsTmp mod (geometry.SectorsPerTrack * geometry.TracksPerCylinder)) div geometry.SectorsPerTrack; //物理区占用的磁头数 PhysicalSectors := geometry.SectorsPerTrack * PhysicalCylinders * geometry.TracksPerCylinder; //物理区实际上占用的扇区数 Tracks := Tracks+PhysicalTracks; //起始磁头 Sectors := 1; //起始扇区 //Cylinder = Cylinder + (PhysicalSectorsTmp-1)/(geometry.TracksPerCylinder * geometry.SectorsPerTrack) + 1; //起始柱面 Cylinder := Cylinder+PhysicalCylinders; //起始柱面 //起始地址 pBuffer[447] := 0;//磁头号 CylinderTemp := ((((Cylinder shr 2) and $C0) or (Sectors and $3F)) shl 8) or (Cylinder and $00FF); pBuffer[448] := CylinderTemp shr 8; //右移8位取柱面的高2位+扇区号的低6位 pBuffer[449] := CylinderTemp; //磁盘格式 pBuffer[450] := $0C; //Fat32格式 //结束地址 CylindersOffet := geometry.Cylinders.LowPart-1; //结束柱面号 //CylindersOffet = 1023; TracksOffet := geometry.TracksPerCylinder-1; //结束磁头号 SectorOffet := geometry.SectorsPerTrack; //结束扇区号 pBuffer[451] := TracksOffet; CylinderTemp := ((((CylindersOffet shr 2) and $C0) or (SectorOffet and $3F)) shl 8) or (CylindersOffet and $00FF); pBuffer[452] := CylinderTemp shr 8; pBuffer[453] := CylinderTemp; //设置逻辑扇区号 StartLogicSector := PhysicalSectors; //StartLogicSector = 63; pBuffer[454] := StartLogicSector; pBuffer[455] := StartLogicSector shr 8; pBuffer[456] := StartLogicSector shr 16; pBuffer[457] := StartLogicSector shr 24; //总扇区数 SectorsSum := geometry.Cylinders.LowPart*geometry.TracksPerCylinder*geometry.SectorsPerTrack; SectorsSum := SectorsSum - PhysicalSectors; //SectorsSum = SectorsSum - 62- geometry.SectorsPerTrack; pBuffer[458] := SectorsSum; pBuffer[459] := SectorsSum shr 8; pBuffer[460] := SectorsSum shr 16; pBuffer[461] := SectorsSum shr 24; //没别其它分区 for i := 462 to 509 do pBuffer[i] := $0; //结束标志 pBuffer[510] := $55; pBuffer[511] := $AA; str := ''; //for(int j=0;j<512;j++) // str+=IntToHex(pBuffer[j]; //ShowMessage(str); //memset(&labOffset,0,sizeof(labOffset)); FillChar(labOffset,sizeof(labOffset),0); labOffset.Offset := 1; bRet := WriteFile(hDevice, pBuffer, 512, dwLen, @labOffset); //写入分区表 CloseHandle(hDevice); if (bRet) then begin FillChar(sei,sizeof(sei),0); szFile := 'C:\WINNT\system32\Diskmgmt.msc'; if (not FileExists(szFile) ) then begin Result := False; MessageDlg('无法找到硬盘管理工具',mtWarning,[mbok],0); end; sei.cbSize := sizeof(SHELLEXECUTEINFO); sei.fMask := SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS; sei.lpVerb := 'open'+#0; sei.lpFile := Pchar(szFile); sei.lpParameters := ''; sei.nShow := SW_SHOWNORMAL; //SW_SHOWNORMAL; //SW_SHOWDEFAULT; //SW_HIDE bRet := ShellExecuteExA(@sei); if (bRet) then begin hHnd := INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; bRet := FALSE; for i := 0 to 100 do begin Sleep(300); if (not bRet) then begin hHnd := FindWindow(nil, '磁盘管理'); bRet := SetWindowPos(hHnd, HWND_BOTTOM, 0, 0, 50, 50, SWP_HIDEWINDOW); end; Application.ProcessMessages(); end; TerminateProcess(sei.hProcess,1); CloseHandle(sei.hProcess); end; Result := True; end; Result := False; end;
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